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Charlotte Ann's Cockapoo puppies

CHC Families Only

On this page I'll be sharing with you a bit more about the 8 weeks we have raising your pup!  


I'll share pictures and videos from our day - to include enrichment protocols and puppy curriculum (EPPPuppy Culture) we use to raise happy, confident, stable, well-loved, well-adjusted, enrichment seeking pups.

Many breeders claim to use science-based curriculum and protocols (Puppy Culture, BAB) as well as ENS but not many actually do. That is why I will be sharing here, with you (transparency).


"The proof is in the puppies". ~ Jane Lindquist (Puppy Culture).

"What we do or do not do as breeders sets that dog up for a life of success". ~ Suzanne Clothier (Relationship Centered Training).

 * Newest events at top - Be sure to scroll down for previous / older posts *

Finding our voices, march 3

Another pen clean - they are frequent with puppies! 🐾

Today, my neice's were quite eager to help me with the "watching of puppies".  Dog and puppy lovers like my boys, the girls love to come for sleepovers on the weekends to snuggle and play with the cuteness abounding in our home. 

As you can hear, Charlotte's pups have found their voices and are enjoying testing them out. It's soooo cute!  And they seem quite proud of their new "skill".

Whelping box novelty

Tonight's whelping box novelty?  Reid wanted to show his manlift to the pups. 💙

What is whelping box novelty?

Druing the 3rd week / Transitional Period, we place an object in the box and the let the pups explore this novel item at their own pace/comfort level. Our goal is not to overstimulate the pups, but to pique their curiosity and interest (watching that they don't get stressed or overwhelmed).   

Though fussing, it was not due to their stress or overwhelm (as you can tell from pups showing interest - being playful - and tails wagging). The fussing was because momma was just outside the box and they would rather have been nursing.

Hmm, whatever.....

wait....what is that.....

all done.....

Fort snuggles, February 29

Pups are an intrinsic part of our day - our home - and our heart.

Drew and Reid had taken to building a puppy fort for Maple and Eevee's litter.  Reid went a scopped up one of his pups to be part of the snuggles.

I love that my boys naturally find ways to include the puppies into their day.

Time for collars, February 29

Big enough for collars!  

To aid in tracking weight gain and keep notes on newborn pups and their development, we (as our vets do) use a bit of paint on the pups' heads.  This also helps up to keep track of who is who while we learn who is who.  

Once large enough, we move them into their colorful puppy collars (we love the ones from Etsy) - that we match to their original paint color.  Today was the day - and Reid was a fantastic and sweet helper.  

Oais, Thorn, Dune, Qibli, Tawny, Camel, Singe and Char.


Evening Weigh-in, February 28

At 3 weeks of age Charlotte's pups have daily "Whelping Box Novelty".  During our evening weigh-in, we put a "novel" item in their whelping box for them to explore.  The idea is the "new" in their whelping box is a low stress introduction to items that they may see in the worl around them.  Low stress, because they are introduced in the whelping box - a space they nurse, snuggle with momma, sleep and feel safe.  

Tonight was a bathroom stool (other evenings have included rolls of paper towels, trucks of the boys, large jugs - of water or detergent - etc.).


Many hands make light work, February 27

While Reid cleans the pup pen (washes, wipes, disenfects, and replaces padding/bedding), my neice helps keep an eye on the pups - who have recently found what those things under them (legs) are for.  Still a bit wobbly, but definitey more mobile - no longer able to just lay on momma's bed while the cleaning is happening.  

Little helpers, February 13 

Drew and Reid work on ENS and ESI for Charlotte Ann's litter (with Charlotte keeping an eye on them and her pups).  

ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) and ESI (Early Scent Introduction) are perfomed from days 3-16 along with twice daily weigh-ins to make sure each pup is gaining as they should.