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Ridley's COckapoo Puppies

Be sure to check out our CHC Families Only page for more pictures, videos and information about Ridley's pups!
*updated 12/30/22

Too fast, january 4 

Today, Ridleys Cockapoo puppies, Spark and Corazon turned 8 weeks!

Wasn't it yesterday we were welcoming them into our home, lives and hearts?

We've had a blast getting to know them and have SO enjoyed being the ones to positively introduce them to all their firsts.

As they head to their fur-ever homes this weekend, we know they are ready to happily and confidently take on the world around them.

Corazon (now Timber) will make his fur-ever home right here in New Hampshire.

Spark (now Gracie) will make her fur-ever home in Massachusetts.

Corazon (male, cream with white markings)

Spark (Female, Dark Apricot with White Markings)

Manding, January 1

While in our care, we work to build confidence and comfort with the world around them.  We provide our Cockapoo puppies with many enrichment activities and socializaion opportunities.  


One of the things we work with our puppies on is to teach them they have a voice, also known as manding.  Manding is the concept that it is possible to get something the puppy wants by performing a behavior (Puppy Culture, Jane Messineo Lindquist).  

Read more about manding and how it benefits a pup:  Sit Does Not Mean Sit: Giving Puppies a Voice with Mand Behaviors

Here, Corazon - Spark - and Charlotte Ann all mand for my attention (and a treat).  Such good work!

Let's take it on the road, December 29

Load 'em up!

Today, we took Ridley's Cockapoo puppies, Spark and Corazon, for a short car ride around our neighborhood.  


At CHC we work to introduce daily exposure to novelty in a positive manner.  Our goal is to show our pups "new" (novel) is not scary.  With each new, positive experience our pups build their experience library providing them with the skills to approach new situations with confidence and ease.

Best part of waking up is, December 29

I love starting my day with quiet reflection, journaling, and COFFEE!  


But, as a mom of boys and fur-babies I often am not alone and the time isn't always quiet. ❤️  No complaints though, especially when this is my "interruption".

Jealous bugs - Noel, Charlotte Ann, Aria and Eevee -feeling quite left out from the morning snuggles.

Girls: "How did we end up on this side of the gate?" 🐾❤️

Countdown to Christmas, December 14

Look who's getting big!?

Ridley's litter of Cockapoo puppies, Spark ❤️ and Corazon💙  turned 5 weeks today. With a beautiful dusting of white (snow) we opted for a quick photo shoot outdoors.

Spark and Corazon have done amazignly well with their litter box training (having no accidents!!), love to play and explore around our home and meet and greet all of our mommas.  They gobble up their puppy slurry, while still enjoying nursing and cuddles with momma.  

We continue daily handling excercises, individual cuddle sessions, and introducing something new each day.  

Corazon (male, cream with white markings)

Spark (Female, Dark Apricot with White Markings)

learning for all, December 12

Another day of learning for all.

Corazon and Spark, Ridley's Cockapoo puppies, enjoyed sharing our morning break from study to play with new toys while listening to Gregorian chants (the boys are currently studying Middle Ages).  Of course, the mommas were there to watch over the littles and play too.

Watching videos (taken in sequence) from our time playing with the pups, you can see them building confidence and comfort in their surroundings and becoming more playful. Positive experiences help solidify their trust and confidence in the world around them.

wobbly but learning, November 30

Reid was my helper today, watching over Ridley's Cockapoo puppies as they wobbled about - practicing getting their legs under them - while I cleaned their pen. I love watching as they begin to explore their surroundings and interact with us and eachother. While in our care, we positively introduce "normal life" noises and experiences to our pups - as you can hear in the background, the washer and dryer tumble and swoosh while the pups play without alarm or concern - part of our daily enrichment with our goal to raise confident, well-adjusted puppies.

Multi-gen love, November 28

Ridley's Cockapoo puppies, Spark and Corazon, were doted on by all of mommas today (current - Apple, Eevee Noel - and future - Aria and Charlotte Ann).  Loving on and playing with our dogs and pups throughout our day is ONE of the wonderful perks to homeschooling.  

Happy Thanksgiving, november 24

Ridley's Cockapoo puppies, Corazon 💙 and Spark ❤️ turned 2 weeks yesterday!

Eyes have opened and with that their world has dramatically grown and changed.

I LOVE when their eyes open....I adore looking into their little faces and kissing their noses and singing them songs as I hold them. These gentle and loving exchanges are beneficial for them and for me.  Read more about it here:  How dogs stole our hearts.

Whatever your plans today, and wherever you may be celebrating (NH, CT, VT, RI, NJ, MA, MD, NY, ME), we hope you have a wonderful day filled with joy.  Today, I am thankful for all our Cockapoo puppies (past and present), all of our fur-babies and for all of our wonderful CHC families.

* Please note - these pups are spoken for by families currently on our waiting list.

Corazon (male, cream with white markings)

Spark (Female, Dark Apricot with White Markings)

it's good to be loved, November 18

Puppies are born quite helpless - unable to hear, see, or keep themselves warm.  Lovingly holding them close - provides comfort to themas they feel our warmth, breath, and beating heart.  Daily gentle handling is so crucial for pups (and so very satisfying for us).

So very loved, November 17

Happy to have pups to love and snuggle with!  We truly love each and every pup we get the privilege to raise, and I so enjoy watching how each and every litter seamlessly becomes part of our life - home - and day to day. 

Thankful they're here, November 9

Ridley welcomed 2 adorable Cockapoo puppies on Wednesday afternoon. A handsome 💙 and a beautiful ❤️.


Labor began the evening before, but was not progressing in a timely manner so we thought it best momma be examined by our wonderful reproductive doctor, Dr. Kelleher at Broadview Animal Hospital.  Dr. Kelleher and his team performed an ultrasound and exam. Momma and pups were both doing great (fetal heartbeats were good, in the 200's) and momma was not showing signs of distress, however, the concern was that it was a small litter - which means bigger pups for momma to deliver and lower levels of cortisol (produced by puppies and necessary to signal labor in momma).

We made the tough decision to move foward with c-section to ensure safe and healthy delivery for Ridley and her little ones.

Ridley did great during her procedure and momma and her littles are home and settling in.  Ridley is a wonderful and doting momma and the pups are eating and gaining weight nicely.

We are happy to announce the arrival of Ridley's Pup Academy Litter (named after one of Reid's current favorite shows).

Welcome, Corazon (male, cream with white markings) and Spark (female, dark apricot with white markings).

* Please note - these pups are spoken for by families currently on our waiting list.

Corazon (male, cream with white markings)

Spark (Female, Dark Apricot with White Markings)

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